The following is a quick overview of the 2024 NOW snowboard bindings lineup.
First I will take a look at any new bindings for the 2023-24 season, and any 2022-23 bindings that aren't returning with a 2024 model.
Then I'll place each binding into the categories where I see them fitting best and finally take a look at any changes for returning bindings.

New 2024 NOW Bindings
The new bindings for 2023-24 are:
+ Drive CX - The Drive CX takes over from the outgoing O-Drive as NOW's stiffest binding in their line. The main difference between this and the O-Drive being the highback. The rest of the binding is quite similar to the outgoing O-Drive. The highback changes from the "FS2 Carbon Highback is with 3K Carbon Fiber" that was on the O-Drive to the "FRC Carbon Highback with 3K Carbon Fiber" on the Drive CX. Shape/visually, the highbacks look quite differnt too.
+ Drive Pro - Vs the Drive the main difference appears to be the highback (ASYM-FRX vs ASYM FR on the Drive) but also: The toe strap is "3D pro-grip toe strap" vs "3D Contour Toe Strap" on the Drive (thought the Drive last year had the "3D pro-grip toe strap". Slightly different buckle levers (but again, the '23 Drive had the same as what's on the Drive Pro now) New toe hinge conector on the Drive Pro and comes with medium and hard bushings (Drive only with the hard bushings - the '23 Drive came with both medium and hard). The baseplate looks different between the Drive and Drive Pro, but the baseplate on the Drive Pro looks to be what was on the '23 Drive, so again, it's the Drive that's changed there.
Compared to the '23 Drive, the Drive Pro has a new highback and new ankles straps, so it's more similar to the old Drive. That said, a brand new highback and ankle straps are significant changes.
+ Select - This is more returning than new, as there was a Select (non-pro version) in NOW's 2020 lineup. It's been out for a few years, but making a come back. The '24 model is pretty unrecognizable vs it's 2020 predecessor though. Bascically everything is different - the baseplate, highback, ankle straps, toe straps and buckles - and even the disc is different I think - I don't think the 2020 model was compatible with the channel. So this is a whole different beast now. It's more useful to compare it's differences with that of the Select Pro.
Vs the Select Pro it has the "Hanger 2.0 is Nylon with 30% Glass Fiber" baseplate vs the "Hanger 3.0 is Nylon with 30% Glass Fiber" which is on the Select Pro. The toes strap is different ("3D Contour toe strap" on the Select vs "3D pro-grip toe strap" on the Select Pro). The Select Pro has the Kingpin Toolless tech that the Select doesn't have and has the option for soft, medium or hard bushings with the Select only coming with medium bushings. The post is also different with the "Post is Nylon with 50% Glass Fiber" on the Select and "Post is Nylon with 30% Carbon Fiber" on the Select Pro.
+ YES x NOW - This is more of a name change than a new binding. The '23 model was called the Select Pro X Yes. The '24 YES Collab is called the YES. X NOW or the YES. The Collab, depending on where you look. But it's basically the same binding. The only thing is that it looks like the '24 model may have gotten the Kingpin tech.
+ Fridge Pro - This new model fills the space the outgoing Pilot left. But it's not just a name change. The baseplate, post and toe straps appear to be the same, but the ankle straps and highback are different. And the Fridge Pro doesn't come with medium and hard bushings (just medium) like the Pilot did.
+ Rebel - Replaces the outgonig Brigada in the line, but with a different highback, ankle strap and toe strap (so some significant upgrades).
Exiting 2023 NOW Bindings
The 2023 bindings that aren't returning with a 2024 model:
- Pro Line
- Pilot
- Select Pro X YES
- Brigada
- O-Drive
- Select Pro x Kowalchuk
All 2024 NOW Bindings by Category
Below, I have categorized NOW's 2023-24 lineup. This is according to the categories here at SnowboardingProfiles.com and not necessarily the same as how NOW might label them.
Of course these are only broad categories as every binding is different, but this is a rough guide.
-NOW BEGINNER bindings-
- Brigade
- Vetta
-NOW FREESTYLE bindings-
- Brigade - See Full Review
- Vetta
- Select Pro - full review coming
- Select | NEW for 2024
- YES. X NOW | NEW for 2024 (though pretty much just a name change)
- Fridge Pro | NEW for 2024
- Rebel | NEW for 2024
- Drive - See Full Review
- Drive Pro | NEW for 2024 - full review coming
- Conda
-NOW FREERIDE bindings-
-NOW SPLIT bindings-
NOW don't currently make any splitboard bindings
-NOW YOUTH bindings-
So there you have the 2024 NOW snowboard bindings.
Out with the Old and In with the New
While the numbers remain the same for '24 with 13 models, courtesy of the same number exiting (6) as new models coming in (6), NOW's lineup takes on a very different look this year.
There is certainly an element of the new models being replacements for some of the outgoings, but there are no pure name changes, the replacements have all had changes (more details in the new bindings section towards the top of this page).
- Drive CX replaces O-Drive
- Drive Pro replaces Drive
- YES x NOW (aka YES. the Collab) replaces Select Pro X YES (the closest to just being a name change)
- Fridge Pro replaces Pilot
- Rebel replaces Brigada
But as the details at the top of this post show, there are some significant changes (apart from the YES Collab).
The Select comes in not really replacing anything and the Pro-Line and Select Pro x Kowalchuk don't really get replacements.
Changes to Existing Models
Hold your breath, they've made a lot of changes!
IPO: New highback ("Flex hinge 2.0 highback" vs the "Freewing Highback" it had on the '23 model). Also gets a new "Asym FS" ankle strap vs the "SIEVA Straps" it had on the '23 model. Plus new toes straps ("3D Stretch fit toe strap" vs the "3D Contour toe straps" it had on the '23 model).
Brigade: Gets new "Asym FS" ankle strap vs the "SIEVA Straps" it had on the '23 model. Plus new toes straps ("3D Stretch fit toe strap" vs the "3D Contour toe straps" it had on the '23 model).
Vetta: New baseplate ("Hanger 2.0 is Nylon with 30% Glass Fiber" vs the "Hanger 1.0 is Nylon with 15% Glass Fiber" it had for the '23 model) and a new highback ("FM 2.0 highback" vs the "Flex Hinge Highback" it had on the '23 model. Also gets new "Asym FS" ankle strap vs the "SIEVA Straps" it had on the '23 model. Plus new toes straps ("3D Stretch fit toe strap" vs the "3D Contour toe straps" it had on the '23 model). So it's pretty much unrecognizable from the '23 model. Only really keeps the name and the flex rating!
Select Pro: '24 model gets new ankle strap ("Asym S-Sense strap" vs the "Hyperfuse II Straps" that were on the '23 model) and new toe hinge connector. The post is also different with the "Post is Nylon with 50% Glass Fiber" that was on the '23 model being upgrade to "Post is Nylon with 30% Carbon Fiber" on the '24 model.
Drive: Baseplate ("Hanger 2.0 is Nylon with 50% Glass Fiber" on the '24 model vs "Hanger 3.0 is Nylon with 30% Glass Fiber" on the '23 model) and highback ("ASYM-FR highback" in place of the "Calfback Highback" on the '23 model) have both changes, as well as the ankle straps ("Asym FRS strap" on the '24 Drive vs the "Hybrid Flipit Straps" on the '23 model). The toe strap also changes ("3D contour toe strap" on the '24 model vs "3D pro-grip toe strap" on the '23 model). Bushings only available in "hard" for '24 model, where they were available in "hard" and "medium" for '23 model. In some ways, there have been some downgrades (baseplate) but in others (ankle straps) there have been some upgrades. Buit the Drive Pro seems more similar to the '23 Drive than the '24 Drive is to the '23 Drive. But the pricing makes sense with this, with the Drive Pro being the same price as the '23 Drive and the '24 Drive costing less than the '23 Drive.
Conda: Gets the "Hanger 3.0 is Nylon with 30% Glass Fiber" basplate in place of the "Hanger 1.0 is Nylon with 30% Glass Fiber" that it had on the '23 model. Also gets a brand new highback (the "Asym FR highback" replacing the "Flex Hinge 2.0 Highback" from the '23 model). And finally the new "Asym FRS strap" in place of the "Asym S-Sense Strap" it had on the '23 model.
Every single returning model gets changed - and some quite significantly. NOW have been busy, essentially revamping everything!
Made my job hard putting this post together, but good to see they're really working on improving their line. I got the chance to test some new NOW bindings in the winter and my reviews for those will start coming out soon.
For all Snowboarding Profiles' NOW reviews, check out the link at the button below.
Has NOW gone out of business for 2024/25? I can’t find the website anywhere. Looks like they may have been bought out by YES
Hey Preston, thanks for your message.
Yes, Now have merged with Yes. Dang, that’s a confusing sentence 😂
Both YES and NOW were owned by Nidecker. They just decided to consolidate NOW into YES. Which makes sense in a lot of ways, given that YES didn’t do bindings. I think it’s just to make branding easier/more clear. YES bindings are basically what NOW bindings were. They’ve made some small tweaks and some new models, but it’s just a name change for the most part. Some models look to be literally the same, but now with a yes. logo on it.
Lobster also merged with YES, though that’s a less harmonious mix as Lobster boards are very different form YES boards. Will be interesting to see how they move forward boards-wise. But in terms of bindings you can just think of YES bindings as a direct continuation of NOW bindings.
Hope this helps