Below are the 2017 YES snowboards on offer for the 2016-17 season.
I have listed each board under the category that I think that board best belongs to.
There are 14 different YES boards this season and I hope that this breakdown can make it easier for you to sift through.
If you’re not sure which category best describes your style of riding, try checking out the following article:
>>What Style of Snowboarder are You?
Some boards will be in more than 1 category.
Note that YES only does 2 women’s specific models. Both of those are great boards, in my opinion, and it would be awesome to see some more options in the women’s line in future seasons.
Beginner Boards
All of the boards in the beginner category below have also been classified elsewhere. Typically a board that is suitable for a beginner is also suitable for another style of riding.
- YES Basic (see review)
- YES Typo
- YES Emoticon
Jib/Street YES Boards
- YES Public
Freestyle/Park YES Boards
- YES Jackpot
- YES Public
All-Mountain-Freestyle YES Boards
- YES The Greats Uninc
- YES Basic
- YES Emoticon
Aggressive All-Mountain-Freestyle YES Boards
All-Mountain YES Boards
- YES Standard
- YES Typo
Aggressive All-Mountain YES Boards
- YES Pick Your Line (see review)
- YES Hel Yes
Freeride YES Boards
- YES Pick Your Line (see review)
- YES Optimistic
- YES Hel Yes
Powder YES Boards
- YES Optimistic
- YES 2020 (short/wide Twin powder board)
- YES 420 (short/wide Tapered Directional powder board)
- YES 420 Powder Hull (short/wide Tapered Directional powder board)
Over to You
So, there you have the YES line up for the 2016-17 season. Hopefully this has made it easier to look at their boards for this season and be able to categorize them and see what might be most suitable for you.
To check out all the boards from a particular category of snowboard, check out my top 5s and top 10s lists, which rate boards by category and picks the top 5 or top 10 from each category.
>>Snowboards Top 10s lists
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